Maulana Uzair ibn Muhammad Junaid ibn Hafiz Ahmad Vedachhia comes from a family of Huffaz and Ulama. Born on 10th of Rajab 1414, he was raised in Blackburn, England. He initially began studying the Alimiyyah course at Jamiatul Ilm Wal huda (Blackburn, England), thereafter he continued his studies at Bayt Muhammad Academy from 2012 and graduated in 2017. He has been graced with the opportunity to study under various teachers such as Mufti Shabbir Ahmad, Maulana Irshaad Ryazuddin, Maulana Yusuf Ibn Mufti Shabbir Ahmad, Maulana Anas Patel and more. Under the supervision of these scholars he studied the higher Islamic sciences such as the manner of recitation of Imam Hafs (R.A), exegesis of the Holy Quran, Hadith, Theology, Jurisprudence and spirituality. Upon graduation in 2017, he has undertaken the memorisation of the Qur’aan and currently teaches at Bayt Muhammad Academy.